

February 15, 2006

A Blog Is (Still-)Born

It's a Blog: He looks just like his daddies.

What the fuck is this? Another goddamn blog? Worse yet, the beginnings of a so-called blog network? Someone must've smelled money and decided to get some.

What? That's not money? Well then what the smells so freakin' bad? Oh, it's the sweet smell of low culture. Man, that site has been sitting dormant so long, it's starting to reek of death. In fact, didn't those two jackasses who "edit" the site pretend to die? Funny! (We wish would say, "Funny because it's true.")

Let's be honest, shall we? Those guys suck. Their whole site sucked. And that's why we created i hate low culture. Think of us as a vertically-integrated always-on 24/7 multi-media roast of all things low culture with brand-extension and content-sharing opportunities available to strategic partners in web and post-web media.

Translation: Another goddamn blog. Which rhymes with slog. But with a 'B.' Which stands for B-list. Which is just what those losers are.

Welcome to i hate low culture: Home of the hate that hate produced.

We hope you'll hate it.

Posted in a i hate fashion by matt at February 15, 2006 06:09 PM
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